The following is a listing of the various pantheons of Geoza, including the deities and a brief description of their domains:
Pantheon Deities Domains
Jalani Asuan* Sea and Storms
Cyphus Death
Daedo Rivers, Lakes, and Water
Estopa Dreams and Psychics
Maeron Crafts and Trade
Natup Healing and Fertility
* Although Asuan is part of the Jalani Pantheon, few Jalani outside of Merochas worship him.  Asuan is the main deity worshipped among the Yanshin clans who sail the Aezjarean Ocean.
Mekys Mytra Truth, Light and Flame
Zaril Darkness and Demons
Kirsu Love and Magic (Mana)
Louma Dance
Palvan Agriculture
Haseni Cuati Strength and Hunting
Jeasa Hearth and Runes
Mylharran Girul Earth, the Reaper of Souls, the Serpent
Heisan Water and Healing, the Golden Bear
Metai Wisdom, the Mirkat
Shurah Sun and War, the Dragon
Tar'nah Sky and Magic (Spirit), the Horse
Zhaeol Gods Vulture Lord Scavengers
The Devourer Fire
Master of Rats Rodents
The Malign One Disease
Vine Choker Growth (Unchecked)
Shadow Creeper Shadows
Wrinkle Skin Age
Aghrua, Whisperer Hunger/Famine
Nameless One The Unknown / Mysteries
Froth-Roarer Floods
Horned Lord The Jungle
The Raptor Seeking / Hunting / the Kill
Ysvarzhe, Ghost-Fang-Slitherer Serpents
The Lost Gods Similar to the Zhaeol Gods, the religions of the Lost Gods were once followed by many of the peoples who revere the Zhaeol Pantheon, but their presence has not been felt for centuries.  No known religion or followers exist for these gods, although some priests of the Zhaol Gods, and some Aezjarean, Itasu, and Hsugga scholars know of them.
Tnok-Ju, the Reaper Battle
Zhorhan, Father Mountain Volcanoes / Earthquakes
Krana, the Leopardess Predators
Arshapi, Death Bringer Murder
Srazhun, Wyrm Lord Dragons
Onzhul, Chaos Chaos
Proumzhi, the Spider Queen Spiders
Khuljap, the Thousand-Eyed Secrets
Lasazhru, Ice-Wind Screamer Icy Cold
Hrazhurp, Blood-Gorger Blood
In addition to these pantheons, many Geozan cultures adhere to some form of animistic belief or ancestor worship.   Note that it is possible to have a Faith attribute with animism or ancestor worship as its aspect.  Such belief systems do not function as Origins themselves, although aid from ancestor spirits or animistic spirits is possible.  Such Faith aspects are also complementary to the Spiritism Origin (all Shamans ascribe to some form of animistic or ancestor-worship religion).