
Origin Alchemy Scope Moderate
Archetype Creation Range Touch
Dominion Flux Area N/A
Configuration Might 14 (Mystical) Duration Permanent
Effect Level S:(1), O:1 Potency Slight
Noise Level S:(2), O:2 Intricacy Slight
Base Paradigm Cost S: (11), O: 7
Magicology Levels Power Change Control Creation Illusion Sensitivity
Glowstones are small pieces of Mystical amber that produce a soft yet penetrating golden light.
Alchemy is weak in the Creation Archetype - this effect is barely within its capabilities, when fully optimized.
Scope Base Scope (2 points)
Scope is altering a Form (3 points)
Range is Touch
Area is N/A (the light is created in one location, then radiated naturally)
Duration Interval is Permanent  (see Temper Aspects)
Potency Fundamental Inertia: Slight (1-3 points)
Intricacy Creation: Slight (1-3 points)
Total Base Cost Spontaneous: (11) Optimized: 7
Temper Aspects Mechanism: Constant (no cost)
Imbed (no cost for Mystical)
Permanent (7 points for Optimized)