Telekinetics is the psychic manipulation of physical objects.
Basic telekinetic ability involves the slow manipulation of fairly small objects in simple movements.  The default difficulty for Manipulate Object assumes an object light in weight, which could easily be held in one hand by an average person.  This object can be moved slowly, no faster than a person could crawl on the floor, and detailed or intricate movements are not attempted.  The object can be moved in one direction, with no rotation or precision movement.
Telekinetics is capable of more impressive feats, of course.  But doing anything more difficult than what is described above results in an increase in difficulty.  The three factors described above are weight, speed, and precision of manipulation.  A trained telekinetic has the potential to lift a boulder which is too heavy for him to lift with his hands.  Such a feat would be difficult, but possible.  Likewise, a trained telekinetic could send a fist-sized rock whistling through the air as fast as an arrow.  Sending a boulder whistling through the air as fast as an arrow remains theoretically possible, but would be incredibly difficult for even a highly trained telekinetic.  Similarly, a trained telekinetic could manipulate a metal key with enough precision to open a lock, but to perform a precise feat with an extremely heavy object, or very quickly, would also prove extremely difficult.
Weight (pounds) Difficulty Modifier
20 +0
40 +1
80 +2
140 +3
220 +4
320 +5
450 +6
600 +7
800 +8
1100 +9
1500 +10
Speed of Movement Difficulty Modifier
Crawling Pace +0
Fast Walk +1
Running Pace +2
Sprint +3
Racing Horse +4
Arrow Flight +5
Stooping Falcon +6
Precision Manipulation Difficulty Modifier
Uni-directional movement +0
Minor rotational or directional change (a single change of direction, no more than 90 degrees) +1
Major rotational or directional change (more than one change of direction in an action, spinning object, etc) +2
Moderately precise manipulation (key in lock) +3
Precise manipulation (weaving basketry) +4
Extremely precise manipulation (needle sewing thread) +5
Note that precise manipulations as described above take into account the directional or rotational movement inherent in the described action.
Normal telekinetic manipulation does not cause fatigue to the Psychic.  Difficult feats may, at the Mythguide's discretion, cause the Psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Manipulate Object Trial.  A good guideline for this is the likelihood of success:   if the psychic is attempting a feat which is obviously beyond his abilities and hoping for a lucky result, then it should probably require a Fatigue Trial.
Manipulate Object:
Default Difficulty Routine (5)
Marginal Success Manipulation is successful.   Movement is functional, but not graceful.  Continuation of the movement is not possible however.  The Psychic must re-establish manipulation of the object after the stated movement is finished.
Complete Success Manipulation is successful.   Movement is functional, but not graceful.  Psychic may continue manipulating the object by making additional trials.
Superior Success Manipulation is successful.   Movement is graceful as well as functional.  Psychic may continue manipulating the object by making additional rials.
Extraordinary Success Manipulation is successful.   Movement is graceful as well as functional.  Psychic may continue manipulating the object by making additional trials, the difficulty of which are reduced by two.
Mythic Success Manipulation is successful.   Movement is graceful as well as functional.  Psychic may continue manipulating the object by making additional trials, the difficulty of which are reduced by four.
bullet.gif (892 bytes) Telekinetic Shield is the ability to divert objects aimed at the Psychic so that they miss or are less effective.  Missiles, which are lighter and have a fixed trajectory, are easier to divert than hand-held weapons or unarmed blows, but all are possible to divert using this ability.  This ability essentially mimics a divert parry, and takes 1 OP to perform.  It is possible to divert multiple attacks simultaneously, but each attack above one adds two to the difficulty (use the most difficult attack as the base difficulty).
Missile attacks generally do not modify the difficulty of the trial.  Exceptionally fast (faster than a fast arrow or crossbow bolt) or heavy missiles may increase the difficulty (refer to the weight modifier chart above).
Melee attacks add +3 to the difficulty of diversion, and heavy melee weapons may increase the difficulty as well (refer to the weight modifier chart above).
Each Action Interval during which Telekinetic Shield was used (successfully or not, and regardless of the number of attempts) requires a Fatigue Trial at a difficulty equal to the most difficult Telekinetic Shield Trial attempted during that Action Interval.
Telekinetic Shield:
Default Difficulty Moderate (12)
Requisite: Telekinetics Rank 5
Marginal Success Attack suffers a +1 Difficulty Modifier.
Complete Success Attack suffers a +3 Difficulty Modifier.
Superior Success Attack suffers a +5 Difficulty Modifier.
Extraordinary Success Attack suffers a +8 Difficulty Modifier.
Mythic Success Attack suffers a +12 Difficulty Modifier.
bullet.gif (892 bytes) Levitation is the ability to manipulate the Psychic's own body.  Such movement can be both vertical and lateral, allowing true three-dimensional flight.  Levitation is slightly easier than manipulation of an object of similar weight to the Psychic, but fast or precision flight remains difficult.
Use the same modifier charts as for Manipulate Object, but subtract three from the difficulty for weight, and one from the difficulty modifiers for speed or precision.  Thus, a Psychic of average weight could levitate himself at a walking pace with minor directional changes at close to the default difficulty.   Difficulty cannot drop below the default.
Default Difficulty Routine (7)
Requisite: Telekinetics Rank 5
Marginal Success Levitation is successful.   Movement is functional, but not graceful.  Psychic may continue levitation by making additional trials.
Complete Success Levitation is successful.   Movement is functional, but not graceful.  Psychic may continue levitation by making additional trials.
Superior Success Levitation is successful.   Movement is graceful as well as functional.  Psychic may continue levitation by making additional trials.
Extraordinary Success Levitation is successful.   Movement is graceful as well as functional.  Psychic may continue levitation by making additional trials, the difficulty of which are reduced by two.
Mythic Success Levitation is successful.   Movement is graceful as well as functional.  Psychic may continue levitation by making additional trials, the difficulty of which are reduced by four.