Social Background Aspects

The persona has a valuable ally, contact, or friend.  An Ally can be an individual, or a family or other group.  The value of the ally to the persona is determined by the Aspect's Rank.  Generally, allies of higher social status cost an additional rank per Status Archetype higher than the persona's.   Additionally, a persona may purchase a Loyalty Motivation toward an Ally for half cost.  The Ally will always be someone or some group that the persona can honestly trust.
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The persona has many acquaintances, in a variety of positions in the environment (or even in other environments, depending on the persona's background).  Such contacts are not allies (the relationship isn't close enough), but they will recognize the persona and are generally favorably inclined toward him.  Contacts may be of any status or heritage group.  The Aspect Rank determines the general reliability and value of the contacts.  The player should provide a short list of possible contacts to the Mythguide when this Aspect is selected.   Generally, the persona will have a number of solid contacts equal to the Aspect's Rank, and possibly twice that many "loose" contacts which need not be detailed until they are called upon.  Loose contacts will be less favorably inclined than solid contacts, and will be generally less reliable.
Famous Ancestor
The persona has a famous ancestor.  The Aspect's Rank is equal to the ancestor's Renown.  The player should work with the Mythguide to determine the details of the ancestor's achievements, etc.  The various histories on this site may provide inspiration for such an ancestor.
Famous Relation
The persona has a famous living relative.  The nature of the relationship and the Renown of the relative determine the Aspect's Rank.   The Mythguide should be cautious in using some of the famous personas detailed on this site, but they can provide inspiration for similar personas.
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The persona has acquired one or more Followers.   The relative competence, status, and nature of the Follower(s) will determine the Aspect's Rank.  Followers may influence a persona's Renown, as well.  Followers possess an unusually strong loyalty or devotion to the persona - the persona may have others who follow her, but these Followers are truly loyal to her.  The number of Followers should be limited to no more than one per Rank (and perhaps less, if they are relatively powerful or important).  If the player wishes the persona to have other, more typical followers, the Mythguide can allow them based upon the persona's Renown, status level, and vocation.  Typical followers will require the persona to possess the appropriate resources and status to support them according to their status and vocation, while Followers acquired through this Background Aspect will remain loyal to the persona regardless of changes in status or vocation.
The persona has been Honored in some way.  The nature and importance of the honor depends on the Aspect's Rank and the Narrative Environment.  This Aspect is especially appropriate for personas following Official or Titled vocations, and can raise the persona's Renown.
The persona entered a marriage during Background Development.  This may be an arranged marriage or one of convenience or romance.   The Aspect's Rank is based on the relative benefit to the persona from the marriage.  This Aspect might affect a persona's Renown under some circumstances.   In some environments, this Aspect may require other Background Aspects such as Dependent, Obligation, etc.  The player should work out the details of the marriage with the Mythguide.
The persona has one or more children.  This does not require the Marriage Aspect, although having one without the other may have unfavorable results in some environments.  This Aspect is normally purchased at Rank One, regardless of the number of children.  Higher Ranks indicate some increased benefit to the persona from having children (such as increased status in some cultures, or a known heir).
The persona has the protection of a powerful or influential individual or group.  The benefit to the persona determines the Aspect's Rank.  The origin of the protection relationship should be determined by the Mythguide - the persona may or may not be aware of its existence.  A persona's status and kinship can affect this Aspect.
Social Creditor
The persona is owed some form of favor or social compensation.  This debt can be from an individual or group.  The relative benefit to the persona determines the Aspect's Rank.
Social Responsibility
The persona has a developed sense of social responsibility.  The nature of the responsibility depends on the status of the persona.  The Aspect's Rank determines the burden on the character, and any modifications to the persona's Renown or status which may result.  In some environments, this Aspect will be more significant than in others, and the Aspect's Rank will vary accordingly.
The persona has a Sponsor of some type, who has taken an interest in the persona's moral, financial, educational, or emotional well-being.   A Sponsor can be a Mentor for the persona, taking a direct role in the persona's development, or can provide the benefits indirectly, through another individual or group.   A Sponsor could be associated with a Developmental Window.  The Aspect's Rank is based on the relative benefit to the persona.
Valuable Information
The persona possesses some form of valuable information.  The nature and importance of the information depends on the Aspect's Rank.  The information may be of value politically, economically, socially, or militarily.  The Mythguide may allow this Aspect to translate directly into Influence or Leverage pools, depending on the nature of the information.
The persona has an enemy or opponent, which can be an individual or group.  The adversary could be a personal, organizational, or familial one.  The Aspect's Rank is based on the nature of the adversary and the relative danger to the persona.  The persona may purchase a Hatred Motivation toward the adversary at half cost. 
The persona has been disgraced in some way, either through personal actions or as a result of her birth or Heritage.  The Aspect's Rank is based on the nature and extent of the disgrace, and the relative effect on the persona.
The persona is hunted by an individual or group.   The Aspect's Rank is determined by the relationship between the hunter and the persona, and the hunter's methods, resources, and diligence in hunting the persona.   The player should work with the Mythguide to determine the reasons for the persona being hunted, as well as the consequences of being found.
Infamous Ancestor
The persona has an infamous ancestor.  The Aspect's Rank determines not only the Renown of the ancestor but also the relative vileness of his deeds.  This Aspect may contribute to both Renown and status, but can also be affected by the persona's Family Orientation and Estrangement.
Infamous Relation
The persona has an infamous living relative.  The nature and Renown of the relative are based on the Aspect's Rank.  This Aspect can affect the persona's Renown and status.
The persona is hiding a potentially damaging secret.   The Aspect's Rank is based on the potential damage of revealing the secret - which might vary according to the environment.
Social Debt
The persona has a social debt to an individual or group.  Such a debt might take many forms, but will never be strictly material or financial.  The Aspect's Rank is based on the relative burden on the persona.
Social Irresponsibility
The persona has an active disregard for social responsibility.  The Aspect's Rank depends on the nature and extent of this disregard and the status and kinship of the persona, as well as the standards of the culture or environment.