Psychological Background Aspects

The persona has an unusually accepting personality.   This Aspect manifests itself when the persona encounters new or shocking ideas, concepts, or people.  In general, acceptance indicates a level of tolerance above that found in the typical member of society.  Some societies may foster such attitudes more than others.
Born Leader
The persona has an innate talent for leadership and command.  Others will naturally look to the persona for leadership, especially in crisis or stressful situations.  The Aspect's Rank determines the relative benefits gained.
Trauma Resistance
The persona is extremely resistant to emotional trauma.   This manifests as a heightened ability to withstand the onset of shock.  High ranks in this Aspect should be justified in some way based on the persona's background.
Addictive Personality
The persona has an addictive personality, and is susceptible to certain weaknesses and desires.  Such a personality is generally either a thrill-seeker or a solace-seeker, and is more likely to succumb to compulsions or addictions.  Each time the persona is exposed to a potential weakness, compulsion, or addiction, the persona must resist with a Willpower Trial, with this Aspect's Rank acting as a difficulty modifier.  Note that for humans, adrenaline-producing situations can be addictive.  A warrior might become addicted to fighting, for example, and seek out fights (perhaps becoming a professional bully, or a gladiator).  See Weakness/Compulsion/Addiction.
The persona suffers from delusions.  There are two types of delusion:  Delusions of Grandeur, which inflate the persona's perception of his own abilities out of all reason; and Delusions of Persecution, which result in extreme paranoia.  The degree to which a persona might work around such delusions is limited by the Aspect's Rank.
The persona has one or more specific fears or phobias.   The object of a fear can be anything, although its severity will depend on the Aspect's Rank.
The persona has a fixation of some type, including such things as death, killing, certain objects or materials, etc.  The reaction of a persona faced with the focus of her fixation will vary depending on the Aspect's Rank and the situation.
The persona suffers from some form of audible or visual hallucinations.  Hallucinations need not always be present, but will occur periodically, especially during times of stress.
The persona thinks he is sick all the time, interpreting even the smallest physical or mental quirk as a symptom of illness.  The Aspect's Rank determines the penalties or hindrances to the persona.
The persona suffers from a Neurosis or Psychosis.   This is a potentially complicated Aspect - see the ARIA rules for details.
The persona is unresponsive to the outside world, ranging from mere lack of concentration or perception to complete separation from any outside stimulus.  This Aspect can be extremely difficult to role play at high ranks, and the Mythguide should be consulted before this Aspect is purchased.
Repressed Event
The persona has experienced a traumatic event and repressed it.  The persona does not remember the event, although this can change through game play.  The player and Mythguide should describe the event and its consequences.  Certain Personality Traits or Motivations might be a result of the event.
The persona is repulsed by a particular things or individual.  This might also extend to an entire class of things or people.  The Aspect's Rank determines the relative hindrance to the persona when faced by the repulsive object or person.
The persona has a weakness for a particular substance, action, thing, or person.  Alcoholism, drug addiction, and satyrism all fall under this Aspect.  The Aspect's Rank determines the extent and effects of the Weakness.   At ranks above five, this Aspect becomes a Compulsion, and at ranks 9 or 10 becomes an Addiction.
Weakness for Manashaping
The persona has a weakness for shaping Mana.  This Aspect is normally gained during game play as a result of failing to properly use Mana, but may be gained during Background Development with the Mythguide's permission.  See Mana for details.