Material Background Aspects

The persona has a collection of some sort, be it artwork, rare coins, antique weapons, or good luck charms.  The player should detail the reason(s) the persona has the collection, how it was acquired, and the attitude of the persona toward the collection.  The size, value, and relative importance of the collection are determined by the Aspect's Rank and the heritage, status, and background of the persona.
The persona is owed some form of compensation (financial or material).  This could vary greatly depending on the type of economy and the culture.  The relative burden to the debtor and the benefit to the persona determine the Aspect's Rank.
Extensive Resources
The persona is unusually well-equipped for her status or vocation.  This represents goods, materials, and tools beyond those the persona would normally possess because of her status, vocation, heritage, or other wealth.
Favorable Inheritance
The persona has received a greater inheritance than would be normal for his status or kinship.  This Aspect will depend greatly on the inheritance pattern of the persona's culture, but may also include non-familial inheritance from a Mentor or friend.
Good Credit Reputation
The persona has a favorable credit reputation as a result of his own conduct or his family's reputation.  This Aspect should generally only be selected for personas from a culture with a credit economy.  In Geoza, such cultures would include major trade centers such as Merochas, Karatas, Ixtas, and Mylharra.  See individual Environment Summaries for economic details.
The persona has an heirloom.  The heirloom could be a piece of jewelry, clothing, weapon or armor, family or cultural symbol, or possibly an enchanted item.  The value and properties of the heirloom(s) will determine the Aspect's Rank, based upon the status and kinship of the persona.
The persona has a home, building, estate, or other land.  The size, value, and nature of the Holding will depend on the Aspect Rank, the environment,  and the status and kinship of the persona.  In cultures that do not have the concept of personal ownership of land, this Aspect may not be available.
The persona has some form of savings, either monetary or in the form of non-perishable goods.  The value of the savings is based on the Aspect Rank and the persona's status level when the Background Aspect is selected.
Unique Income
The persona receives income from a unique or unusual source.  This could be in the form of a stipend or regular gifts, an investment, or a trust fund.  The economic nature of the environment may limit the types of income (a tribal society would be unlikely to have a bank suitable for a trust fund, for example).   The amount of income is based on the Aspect Rank and the status level of the persona at the time this Background Aspect is selected.
The persona owes someone a debt in the form of material or financial assets.  This debt could be personal or inherited, and may be legitimate (business loan) or illicit (drug or gambling debts) based on the environment.  The Aspect Rank is determined by the relative burden to the persona.
The persona has a dependent as a result of a familial or personal obligation.  The dependent could be a relative, close friend, or unrelated to the persona.  The persona must provide and care for the dependent - the Aspect Rank is based upon the relative burden to the persona.  More capable dependents are less of a burden.
Missing Heirloom
This aspect can represent either the loss of an heirloom that the persona or her family at one time possessed, or it could indicate an heirloom that is a hindrance, rather than a benefit to the persona.  A high Rank could indicate a cursed item that afflicts the persona's lineage, for example.
The persona has some kind of unique obligation that must be fulfilled.  This can be family or career related, and status and kinship can affect the type and Rank of the obligation.  The obligation is always something inconvenient or troublesome.
Poor Credit Reputation
The persona has a poor credit reputation, either due to personal behavior or familial reputation.  The Aspect Rank is based on the relative hindrance and status and kinship of the persona.
Unfavorable Inheritance
The persona has received less of an inheritance than would be expected.  The inheritance may seem normal or even larger than normal, but in some way the inheritance is actually a hindrance to the persona.
Uniquely Equipped
The persona has below average equipment to some degree, or possesses a cursed item.  This Aspect is a negative counterpart to the Extensive Resources Aspect.