ranquilitas sits on the edge of one of the many lakes in Masuria, far from any significant settlements. It was founded in 1264 AD, as Conventum Tributum to Leczyca, by magi Hispaniae.
Clemente Criamonis
brown-haired man wearing a silk turban and embroidered silk vest over a cotton tunic and trousers, with high leather boots and short silvered spurs
Adolfo Tytali
dark-skinned brunette man with a patchy beard, wearing a dark gray cotton robe and carrying a staff |
Malbert Jerbitonis
young man with trimmed brown beard and hair, wearing a brown leather jerkin over a green tunic & brown woolen leggings, with a brown cloak; he carries a stout staff and bears a leather pack on his back
Katixa Bonisagi
young brunette woman wearing a pale brown woolen cloak over a white cotton blouse and dark orange cotton skirt; she has a knife at her belt
scarred older man with straggly brown hair, garbed in a leather scale hauberk and pale gray surcoat; he has a sword and dagger in scabbards on baldrics, and carries a large shield
Gamus is custos to Katixa Bonisagi |