Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

Furca HeraldryFurca perches on a rocky island just downstream from the confluence of two rivers, in the wilds of northern Sarmatia. Theodemar Bjornaer has damned a side-channel, creating a pond for his lodge.

This conventum Bjornaer was founded in 1263 AD as Conventum Tributum to Millecaverna, following the Gathering of Twelve Years at Crintera.



TheodemarTheodemar Bjornaer
stout man with short brown hair and beard, wearing a simple woolen robe and rope belt; he is typically barefoot

  RabelRabel Bjornaer
grim, deeply tanned man with brown hair and closely trimmed beard; he wears a woolen robe; typically barefoot
Domus Magna
Sedes Merceris
Caduceator and Sleigh