Northern Route
Duresca: two weeks by ship and afoot from Saturno
Macedo: two weeks afoot from Duresca
Riaza: three weeks afoot from Macedo
La Laguna Negra: two weeks afoot from Riaza
Iannua: two weeks afoot from La Laguna Negra
Saturno: one week by Portal from Iannua, via Doissetep, Narbonne & Harco
Southern Route
Victorum: one week by ship and foot from Saturno
Solum Novum: three weeks afoot from Victorum
La Torla Ardiente: three weeks afoot from Solum Novum
Academia Salamancae: one week afoot from La Torla Ardiente
Saturno: three weeks afoot and by ship from Academia Salamancae