arcelonum, perched near Barcelona at the northeastern corner of Hispania, remains the center of the Tribunal in many ways. Founded in the tenth century, Barcelonum is one of the Veteres, and by tradition hosts Tribunal gatherings, regardless of where the Praeco resides.
Barcelonum maintains a degree of neutrality in the conflicts between Christian and Muslim magi, although its location in the heart of Catalonia requires a degree of discretion on the part of visiting Muslims. Nevertheless, decrees of safe passage for Tribunal attendees are necessary to forestall open conflict during the Tribunal, and many Muslim magi prefer to proxy their sigils to a trusted Christian magus.
Barcelonum has recently expanded, founding a capitulum on the island of Cabrera in the Balearics. The magi of Barcelonum regard this as something of a coup, as Valles Turie had also been eying that location for expansion. Although the capitulum has drained resources from Barcelonum, the magi are confident that the investment will eventually prove its worth. Amans Bonisagi leads the new settlement at Cabrera.
For now, the capitulum consists of a cluster of wooden buildings and a wooden jetty, surrounded by a wooden palisade. However, Carlos Jerbitonis has begun to build a grand edifice, which he intends to be a masterpiece of Spanish Gothic architecture. With assistence from the other magi, and occasional assistence from his parens Belasius, progress has been impressive to date. |