raeses was founded in accordance with the Treaty of Cnoc Maol Réidh, as a place where magi of Ordo Hermei could meet with Irish hedge wizards in peace. In the early thirteenth century, however, Latin adventurers assaulted and conquered Praeses. Hibernian magi debated the issue, but could come to no conclusion. Discontented with lack of action by the Tribunal, Nigellus Flambonis of Lambaird gathered allies and declared successive Wizard's Wars on the new magi of Praeses, defeating them one by one and claiming the conventum for themselves. Having restored the conventum to its original purpose, the magi of Praeses have begun rebuilding it, hoping to bring the old conventum into a new spring.
Nigellus Flambonis | |
Anfroi Flambonis | ||
Séarlait Tytali | ||