oeris, Domus Magna Tremeris, occupies the terraced hillsides of the ancient sacred plateau called Kogaionon, which was formerly the site of the pre-Roman Dacian capital of Sarmizegetusa. As home to the Praeca Daciae, Coeris hosts meetings of the Tribunal Daciae. Coeris also hosts a Sedes Merceris, from which caduceatores journey to all conventa in Dacia and some in neighboring Tribunalia, such as Porta Orphaica in Graecia and Capitulum Pohlsee in Germania.
Prima Archimaga Poena Tremeris
short stocky woman with graying black hair in a long braid and a circlet of electrum, wearing a formal charcoal-gray robe with a white linen girdle; a large white wolf (Atia) often accompanies her |
Archimagus Annaeus Quintilius Tremeris
stocky white-haired man wearing a formal charcoal-gray robe |
Archimagus Valerius Tremeris |
Archimagus Denes Tremeris |
Quaesitrix Archimaga Yonka Anahita Tremeris |
Quaesitor Ariston Guernici |
Quaesitrix Oriabel Criamonis |
Discipula Necia Guernici |
Discipula Hajnalka Tremeris |
Discipula Olga Tremeris |
Discipulus Blagun Tremeris |
Sedes Merceris
Antistes Edömér |
Ostiaria Rózsa |
Latruncalatrix Menyhért |
Caduceator Járfás |
Discipula Crina |
Discipulus Davor |
Western Route
Lycaneon: one day by Mercere Portal from Coeris
Turris Bulcsunis: one week by horse, two afoot from Lycaneon
Coeris: one week by horse, two afoot from Turris Bulcsuinis via Lycaneon
Adriaticum: one day by Mercere Portal from Coeris, & return
Southern Route
Porta Orphaica: one day by Mercere Portal from Coeris
Navalis Euxinus: two weeks by horse, three afoot from Porta Orphaica
Kotys: one week by ship from Navalis Euxinus
Coeris: one day by Portal via Harco from Kotys